Excellent examples of unitary structure abound in Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, volume one.

The opening four measures of the Prelude in C major in volume one of the Well-Tempered Clavier (Example 320.1, mm. 1-4) are a perfect example.  The harmony is a simple statement of the basic [I-IV-V-I] progression.  The [IV] and [V] chords are not in root position, which is common in this type of phrase.

The opening four measures of the Prelude in C minor (example 320.2, mm. 1-4) are another simple statement of the basic [I-IV-V-I] progression, this time with a pedal point in the bass.  This is also common.

In the Music of Bach
Unitary & Binary Structures
In the Music of Bach
Lester Allyson Knibbs, Ph.D.
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In the Music of Bach

In Cadential Structure

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In Twentieth Century Music
Example 320.1
Example 320.2
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