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Cadential Structure
In Symphonic Composition
Lester Allyson Knibbs, Ph.D.


The Chaconne

Cadential Structure ---

Unitary & Binary Structures

Linear & Periodic Structures

Modules and Modalities

Structural Counterpoint

Modular Composition


Cadential Structure in Symphonic Composition
Symphonic composition is almost synonymous with cadential structure.  The various manifestations of symphonic form - the sonata, the string quartet, the concerto, the overture, and the symphony - evolved (almost entirely) in synch with the evolution of cadential structure.  Once composers abandoned cadential structure, the viability of these forms suffered.
Examining a few sonata-allegro movements of Beethoven and Mozart should help us to understand how the processes of cadential structure function in the larger frameworks of symphonic forms.  In these works, especially those by Beethoven, there is an intimate relationship between thematic development and cadential structure. 
Next: Cadential Structure in Sonata Movements
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